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Orthotics and casting the foot

Katrina Corby

Foam Impression box
Foam Impression box

When we need to create a bespoke insole (orthotic) for your foot, we can do this in a number of ways.

One way of doing this is creating an impression of the foot.

In my clinic, I use impression foam boxes

This method is quick and clean. A negative impression is created using your foot. This captures location of bony prominences, hard skin or fibrous tissue mass.

The impression box can be used for clients of all ages and foot pain concerns.

If there is a specific area of pain, an orthotic can made from an impression of your foot relieve the area of pain.

Foam box impressions are taken semi-weight bearing and the foot guided into the box by the clinician. A small degree of correction to the foot can be maintained by the clinician as they maintain control during the procedure.

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