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Top 3 ways to keep your toenails healthy

Katrina Corby

Your toenails might seem like a small part of your body, but neglecting them

can lead to big problems. Healthy toenails not only look good but are essential

for overall foot health.

If you're wondering how to keep your toenails in top shape, here are the top 3 ways to ensure they stay healthy and happy.

1. Trim with Care

Proper toenail trimming is the cornerstone of healthy toenails. Use clean, sharp

clippers to trim your nails straight across, avoiding rounded edges to prevent

painful ingrown toenails. Trim them regularly, but not too short – leaving a bit of

white at the tip is ideal. Be mindful of the angle, as cutting straight across can

help prevent ingrown nails and fungal infections.

2. Hydration is Key

Just like your skin, your nails need hydration to stay healthy. Dry, brittle toenails

are more prone to cracking and breaking. Keep your toenails moisturised by

applying a nourishing lotion or oil. Focus on the nail bed and cuticles,

massaging the moisturiser in to promote healthy growth. Opt for products

containing ingredients like vitamin E, jojoba oil, or argan oil for an extra boost.

3. Wear the Right Footwear

Your choice of footwear can significantly impact the health of your toenails.

Tight or ill-fitting shoes can lead to pressure on the toenails, causing pain and

potential damage.

Choose shoes with adequate toe room and proper arch support. Avoid wearing

tight shoes for extended periods, especially those that squeeze your toes

together. Breathable materials can also help prevent fungal infections by

keeping your feet dry.

Achieving and maintaining healthy toenails is a combination of proper care,

hydration, and thoughtful footwear choices. By incorporating these top three

tips into your foot care routine, you'll be well on your way to flaunting healthy

toenails and promoting overall foot health.

Remember, healthy toenails are happy toenails!

Get in touch to find out more about how I can help you with your foot health.

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