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Painful or ingrowing nails

Katrina Corby

One of the reasons I really like my job is because I can make a difference to peoples lives.

The best treatment for problematic (thick, distorted or ingrowing) nails is a minor surgical procedure called 'nail surgery'

I've lost count of the number of these procedures I have performed over the years.

It makes such a difference to be able to walk pain-free

You can 'book online' to check if you have an ingrowing nail or want to discuss solutions to other problematic nails

during an ingrowing nail check, you will be provided with advice as well as a treatment. You will be advised if you need surgery or not and we can book that at the time of your appointment, usually within two weeks.

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Opening Times
Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm
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07508 150 994
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Toe Business Limited 15349343 

Trading as Havant Foot Clinic

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